"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."
--Ether 12:4

Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Week Gone By!

Hola from Ecuador! Well this week I think is best described by Logan´s email last week as Fire and Ice. Wow--I feel like every week can´t get more up and down but it totally does haha. Thats the norm here! And the hard, down, difficult days make the good days so much better!

First off, I want you to know Family that I have been thinking of you non-stop while you have been in Panama. I look at my watch sometimes and imagine what you are doing in the clinic or when you were in the fireside, etc. How wonderful it was to hear of your experiences!!! I cannot wait to hear the results of everything and all of your experiences--I miss you so much and love you and you are doing the Lord´s work and helping future missionaries--how incredible that is. It touched me to know also that you all were there but also Odie and Papa--serving the people of Panama and being able to touch their lives with their golden examples. I have the best family and am so blessed to be your daughter/granddaughter!

I forgot to tell you last week that we are doing language study together as comps and it´s so cute because my comp has very slow, broken English but she knows a lot of words! We made it a rule that our nightly comp prayers will be in English. I smile everytime she prays in English--it' s so cute and sweet! Also, I hate it that it feels weird to pray in English at times yet other times it's so relieving to express myself. Haha my mind is constantly in Spanglish mode--that's the best way to describe it. I´m not fluent by any means in Spanish and can´t express myself fully yet am so used to trying to think in that language that it comes out mixed at times. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to have a conversation in English and it felt SOOO good! Wow--I felt like the real me and I was so happy even though it was just like a few minutes. I needed that I think haha. Ok--highlights of this week!

We are struggling with a few families or people that have an answer that the church is true and the message is true but feel so badly and torn in giving up their Catholic traditions and nothing we say or testify or any answer has changed that yet. So we will see! We have other focuses too yet aren´t giving up.

Joanna and her fam--they are Jehovah´s Witnesses yet this is the 3rd time the missionaries have knocked on the dad´s door and taught him. He started to become confused because he remembered all the things he felt before that he had forgotten. Their 12 year old daughter has so much light in her eyes and when Hna Angulo asked the dad why he thought this was the 3rd time the missionaries have come into his life, she raised her hand and said I know. It´s because this is true! We didn't have a lesson yesterday because they were leaving but the 12 year old told us they all read the pamphlet together and all prayed about it, felt good, and her parents are surprised. So we will see!! I really think we are there for the 12 year old girl and it would be awesome if the family too.

Walter--he had missionaries teach him 12 years ago. He believes everything and everything makes sense to him--he loves analyzing the scriptures we read together and he loves saying AMEN to the things we testify about when he agrees or when things touch him. Haha we are teaching him tonight.

Funny story: we were visiting a recent convert and she came out with 2 plates of watermelon. She handed me a plate of watermelon that had been completely peeled and cut up into nice small pieces. She then handed Hna Angulo a plate with a thick chunk of watermelon that completely had the peel on and a spoon to attack the whole chunk of watermelon with. We started busting up laughing. I told her not to worry or feel bad--it's just because the people here think gringas can´t do things for themself probably hahahaha poor thing.

next Funny story: after a wonderful merienda with the Sanchez family--they light up my life haha we were walking down the street and this elderly man greeted us both and was very eager to say hi and shake our hands. He held onto my hand a bit too long and I pulled away and we kept walking. He followed us and asked where we were going and was soo enthusiastic about everything and offering a ride. We told him no thanks and then with his arms wide open he started running after us down the street like he was preparing to embrace us in a huge huge hug. It was crazy! So weird! Haha we started busting up laughing like is this really happening?! Weird and crazy things happen to us that we just crack up at--people don't know limits sometimes ha.

Manuel: this kid. Hna Angulo cursed me this week that I´m not going to leave Manta without baptizing this kid. haha we love him--just have to reach to the fondo and get to the point that will really change him. He is frustrating at times because he has desires and is such a great person with a heart of gold. He wants to be a missionary, wants to be baptized, wants to get married in the temple, recognizes he needs new friends, etc but also has contracting feelings and thoughts and I think he is confused. We had a lesson with his cousin Rebeca yesterday and she confided in us some things she think will help him. It was hilarious as we were leaving because all of a sudden the uncle, aunt, Manuel´s brother, cousin and then Rebeca jumped up and said WAIT! Manuel will be coming back tomorrow just so you know! Ya--tomorrow so don´t forget! :) hahaha It was soo great. We have the complete support of his whole family and extended family and it was so funny--made our night. We are going to keep persisting--I have faith :)

Kathy: wonderful experience she had this week where she was crying as she read the Plan of Salvation pamphlet and started praying and remembering the things we tuaght her and said she knew we were there for a reason. It was so wonderful. Yet she didn´t come to church and isn´t married so still working on that.

Laura: IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON FRIDAY!!!!!! Miracles happen! Her boyfriend left in the middle of this week and she feels much more at peace, etc. yet on Sunday, left church sobbing and she was bawling into Hna Angulos shoulders. We went straight to her house after church and we all sat on her bed as she opened up and was sobbing because she feels SO alone and its so hard for her to be alone and come home to nobody and know she has to start completely over. Yet she realizes it is good too but she kept saying its so so difficult, so hard, so lonely. I was crying a lot and expressed to her my feelings of how it hurts me to see her like that because we love her. Yet that I know that the things in this life that are the hardest and most difficult to endure, are the things that will be worth it in the end. It doesn´t make it easier but I bore testmony of the Savior and the Atonement and that as the Savior suffered the will of the Father, at times we will be made to suffer the will of God if we are willing to endure that suffering with Christ´s help for a moment. It was so sweet because as I was crying, she started crying more, and Hna Angulo was crying and even though that's a lot of emotion and tears, we really felt like the scriptures say you can mourn with those that mourn--it just comes so naturally in the mission. We love that girl and are praying for her strength--she needs the comfort of the Holy Ghost and she is very excited to be baptized. Miracle!

Gisela: We had a lesson with her on Thursday and her 12 year old daughter was there too. Gisela was pretty distracted the whole lesson because they had no food for Merienda and absolutely zero money. And because her mom isn´t talking to her, she couldn´t go to her mom for help. She works on Fridays and Saturdays til the early morning but they struggle a lot and this day they had nothing left. However, the part in the lesson where Hna Angulo recited the First Vision, they both said that for a moment, all of their worries left with a feeling of peace that remained. The 12 year old said her mind went white and completely blank. Gisela gave the closing prayer and started crying halfway through and her little boy looked up at her and rubbed her shoulder, saying ¨Mommy, don´t cry.¨ It broke my heart. Gisela completely broke down to us for a few minutes as her kids were in the other room about how much it hurts to not have her mom in her life--they were like best friends and also to be a single mom and still not have the means to provide, etc. We bore testimony to her and shared our love and we would always be there.

After we left, I asked Hna Angulo if I could buy them food--if that was allowed. She agreed it would be the Christlike thing to do so I returned for my wallet and we went to the store to buy them groceries. We came back and the smiles on the kids´faces were priceless. Gisela entered the Sacrament meeting and afterwards, told us she had finished work at 5 in the morning. YET she still came to 8 o clock church--THAT is faith!! She said her daughter is enamored by us and our message and specifically told her mom to tell Hermana Bryan not to go back to the U.S. I love this woman and her strength and faith and family.

Family Lucas Hopper: this week we were assigned to save a marriage. This couple has struggled for a while. The mom has circulation and health problems and her son is a pain. The dad fishes and is gone for months at a time sometimes but now, he´s on break for a long time yet only comes home to sleep because he doesn´t want to be there. Its´bad and you can feel the heavy environment. We showed a clip from Together Forever where a couple talks about their wanting to separate and how they saved their marraige. The sister we were with was just crying. We then asked them their feelings, asked them questions to remember how they felt when they were married, etc. and relayed part of Elder Oaks´talk Desire. Our questions and testimonies were very direct yet with love too. We shared the scripture about small and simple means and I testified of the importance of small things. When we let go of doing the small things (especially as a couple), we leave the door cracked open for Satan to enter in little by little and that he wants to firstly destroy the potential for eternal families. We bore testimony and reminded them of how they felt in the temple, and reminded them of their desires. Wow it was SO heavy for 22 and 24 year old single girls to take on and tackle. I literally felt like a mom having a hard reprimanding yet loving conversation with her children who wouldn´t look or talk to each other. The Bishop was wife were there to support us but we were the ones in charge. They finally promised to start praying together and reading the scriptures together and practice using kind language to each other instead of harsh words. Saving marraiges in the mission--who would have thought that would be part of my calling?! We literally have every role and responsibility here!

Friday was a horrible day for me. I was so so down and weighed down by responsibilities, our experiences, feelings, etc and missed everything and everyone so much. I had a hard convo with my comp and we had to work out some things and I´m just glad it was one day. This was my hardest day internally for me in my mission yet. So hard. Yet the Lord lets us have these days so we can see the light of the other ones!

Saturday we made chocolate chip cookies and visited 10 families in the ward that don´t go to Sac meeting or come like 45 mins late. We shared a direct message about relaxing our commitment to the Savior yet bore testimony and with love gave them cookies :) We had them promise to come to church early on Sunday and were praying. MIRACLES!! 8 out of the 10 families came and 7 of them came on time! It was so wonderful to look around and know those families had been reminded and tried to live up to their commitment--I hope this continues haha. Slowly but surely we will see miracles in the Cordova ward!

Also it was so great to share a part of my culture with the people here--everyone wanted the recipe and was amazed at these foreign cookies that are so simple for us Americans :) I miss the US a lot but also love the people here we have found and grown close to. But it felt great to share a part of myself people really enjoyed.

So--we had more things and had a hard convo with some recent converts who were so angry with us that we don't come visit them everyday like the other missionaries used to and said some harsh things and blamed us for their not feeling the spirit, etc. We apologized yet bore testimony of the Lord´s work and there are other people now that need to know what they know and they need to be doing the things that turns out they aren´t doing on their own to feel their own light and spirit. Turn the other cheek haha

Lots of responsibility, lots of emotions, many ups and downs, many miracles, many goals yet I´m so grateful for this Gospel! It is so true. It changes lives. This work is hard no doubt but it is worth it for those moments of complete joy that comes with investigators or seeing member change too! I´m very blessed and humbled to be here. I´m so grateful for your love and support and especially prayers. They help so much and I pray for you every single day!

-Hermana Bryan

Monday, August 22, 2011

What a week!

Family: Dad asked me if we are in a ward--it's a ward (Barrio Cordova). There are 18 missionaries here in Manta and we each have our own sector. We are the only hermanas. We eat random things from the house or that we buy quickly for dinner. I am making my comp stop sometimes for 20 mins and take a break because normally she doesn't and we go without food the whole rest of the day. not ok haha.

Hola familia y queridos amigos! Wow I can´t believe it´s Monday again, yet I am so grateful it is! I have definitely learned a lot this week. I´m gunna try and sum up the week into some highlights but they will still have details because I don't know how to write or speak without them haha.

Last P-day, Hna Angulo and I had Mediterranean food--in Ecuador--it was pretty good! A few days later, we were passing by and the same guy who works there all the time was outside. Hna Angulo has always had the impression to talk to him but never has so I made her go and we talked to Soheil. He has light in his eyes and showed a desire to go to church and learn! He told us his crazy life story about how he escaped from his country Iran and came here. He has huge scars on his arms because he was tortured for trying to escape before. We are so blessed to live in a free country! Apparently he came to church at 11 (our ward starts at 8) and didn't see anybody because we were all finishing up classes so he left. But we are gunna visit him this week. We will see!

Also on Monday, after that dinner we had a visit with some recent converts--parents of the Bishop. The hermana pulled out Sprite and wafer cookies and served a huge plateful and huge glasses of Sprite. She refilled our glasses and wouldn´t accept less and kept telling us to keep eating. I literally felt like the guy in Matilda as she said Eat, Eat! And we just had to eat and say Gracias, Hermana. hahaha oh geez

This week was a good one with the Arroba family--Lucy´s family. We had a lesson with the whole family (minus Lucy) with the Zambrano parents and we watched Legacy. We explained afterwards their questions, and bore testimony about the Restoration and prophet Joseph Smith. The Spirit was very sweet and then we all knelt on their cement floor as Hermano Zambrano prayed. It was really great, and even better was the fact that all of the family (minus Lucy and her dad of course) wanted to be there and watch and participate. This family is slowly changing--I love them. Later on in the week, we had a great lesson with Lucy, her sister Jennifer and Daniele--one of the Zambrano girls. It was perfect because it was just them, they were talking girl talk and our lesson was the talk by Elder Uchtdorf where he talks about true, eternal happiness and relates the Gospel to fairy tales. Lucy is getting baptized on the 3rd of September!! The Zone Leaders want us to ask her for this weekend (for numbers I´m sure) so I guess we have to ask but we all feel good about the 3rd. We teach people, not lessons and not numbers :) She came to church and I hope she´s good--some dumb sister in the ward stood up and made comments about proper church dress (Lucy and our other investigator were wearing nice jeans and the other sisters were wearing skirts so who do you think the comment was directed towards?? It made me pretty mad and we tried to smooth it over so I hope that didn't make an impact on her.)

We have an investigator named Gisela--we had 2 lessons with her this week and we are very excited about her. The first one, she broke down crying, telling us about her life and her hardships of being a single mom of 3 and working all hours of the night to provide for her fam because she separated from her husband 6 mos ago and that was a horrible relationship so she did it for her kids. Her kids are so cute and she is so beautiful and strong. Her mom also hasn´t talked to her in 3 months on top of all that and she told us about that--there´s a reason we saw her on the street one day waiting for her kids to get home from school. We invited her to church and she said she would try even though she works until 3 or 4 am on Sat nights and would have to be at church like 4 hours later. We were in Relief Society yesterday when Gisela peeked through the window with an hermano from another ward who helped her find us. What faith she had to come! That was a tender mercy.

So there is this 19 year old named Manuel that we saw a few weeks ago with his cousins and apparently he had been taught once by Hna Angulo and the other hermana but they never could find him after. Well we saw him again this week--coincidence I think not because every time after talking to him I feel so strongly he wants this and needs it and we need to be diligent in teaching him! The problem is he forgets about lesson times and doesn't always follow through--normally we would drop people like this but for some reason we really feel like we need to be perseverant. We found him and his cousins at home on Saturday and had a 1.5 hour lesson with them. Manuel has so much curiosity about us--they can see something different and was so respectful--he asked exactly what we can eat and drink and then disappeared as we were talking to his cousins. He came back, having bought us peach juice and crackers from a nearby store. They had many questions and Manuel said he wants to be a missionary and be baptized--you can tell he needs something in his life and we NEED the Brigadas here in Ecuador! Tell David Sheets that Ecuador is so close to Panama :) they need you guys down here too haha. Anyway, we taught them about the Plan of Salvation using my pictures and everything made sense to them and was different. Manuel looked up and asked me how I knew this was true. I told him I prayed because really we can´t know things are true without praying. He asked me exactly how I felt when I prayed and I told him and bore my testimony. He then wanted to know how different missionaries get assigned to different places and we told him about the process. I then told him and his cousins that I really don´t know exactly why I´m here but that I do know there is a reason. He said, really seriously,--to help me. I testified that I know there is a reason me and my comp are here in Manta and the Lord knows everything! This kid didn´t come to church though BUT his cousins accepted the compromise to pray and we saw them yesterday and they actually did. Pepe--one of his cousins said after much time of not praying he was going to pray. We have a lesson with Pepe and his sister Rebeca on Sunday and then Manuel we are going to set up a schedule when he gets back from travel with his dad this week.

So, one of these days we didn´t have lunch and we went to a place to eat. I ordered a salad because I had been dying to have one and it looked like a clean place. BAD idea. hahaha I could just imagine Dad´s head shaking back and forth in a kind of I-told-you-so manner. Haha that's all I could think of afterwards and I deserved it. I´m just glad Ecuador sells bananas everywhere.

Then, on Friday I think it was, we had lunch at the normal house we go to on Fridays and it was the ¨worst lunch I ever had¨ haha literally. Fish soup--I started laughing outloud when it was just me and my comp as I was forcing that stuff down. Then rice, weird weird weird beans, and a fried egg. Something was bad in that meal, though, because I was pretty sick the rest of the day. But it passed too. All these sicknesses I mention are things that are during that day or the next or I feel weird but I take my pill and go about our work and it´s fine--so don´t worry, Mom! I´m not really sick and haven´t had to stay home or anything.

Funny story of the week: I got asked out like 3 times by this Cholo guy. He passed us on a motorcycle and as he was passing tried to speak English which I ignored and then said, ¨You wanna go out?!¨ I ignored that as well. Then later on, we were walking down the street and he came out and said, Hey! Remember me? I´m the guy that asked you out. I just ignored him and we kept walking--kinda laughing at all the stupids here that speak English to us. The last time was at night and he was somewhere and came out and said--I´m still waiting for my answer! I turned around and said We are missionaries and kept walking but my comp wouldn´t have that. I turned around and she had marched up there telling him the respect he should have for us, etc, etc and he apologized saying he thought we spoke English, to which my comp started speaking broken English (she was upset--I have no other explanation for this haha) and then they both were kinda on edge and getting upset so I quickly grabbed my companion and told her lets go! Haha men make Hna Angulo mad. I was laughing--not thinking it was a big deal and just had brushed it off but nope! But as missionaries we can't get in fights so I tried to calm her down hahaha. So that's in detail of the weird things that happen here along with the wonderful work we are doing.

Kathy is a wonderful investigator and we have high hopes for her but she is not married. Her spouse had a bunch of questions for us though but he has a bit of changing to do so we are gunna keep going slowly!

In church yesterday, I played the piano, spoke (the Bishop told me as I was playing the opening song--crazy), and taught Gospel Principles. baha

So---this week apart from these experiences has been one of frustration, learning, and dealing. Wow sorry this is so long already. Long story short, our ward and area has so many problems and struggles with conversion. We virtually have zero support as missionaries. We feel the burden of all of Manta upon us sometimes! We can´t do it alone and have a plan to start working first with the leaders and the members. I am so dedicated to changing the missionary work here in our ward and it's going to take sacrifice and changes in our normal plans and teaching but that's what needs to be done. Member missionary work is so important and without conversion in the members or leaders of the ward, it doesn´t work. Don´t ever take the U.S. or wards for granted. Our Bishop doesn´t even read his scriptures he told us at lunch one day it had been so long since he had read. We helped his family read, bore testimony, have FHE with them tonight and have plans to visit each leader and family and other members, share a short-spiritual message, bless their homes, set up an FHE, and leave so the Spirit remains and they are reminded of what they know and the blessings of the Gospel. The 2nd counselor of the Stake Pres--Hermano Salazar who is 23 and the fam we eat Sundays with--promised us blessings and changes if we do those things and other specific plans we have and we know it´s true so I felt like Logan this week and that's where our focus will be for a while! Maybe the whole time--but I know we will need to be patient, work hard, and the changes will come. I am very determined and we are gunna do it.

Last thing--last night was way rough. Hna Angulo didn´t have a good day, was down, and super impatient, and I was made to feel very inferior a lot of the day and especially last night. I have been pretty frustrated this week with certain things and last night was definitely my comp but we had a good conversation and things will improve. It´s normally good and we are both learning patience and it's ok that we aren´t best friends but we still can laugh and teach and cry and everything together so thats good-I know we are being blessed and things will be up and down in this work.

I feel so blessed to have a newfound love of this Gospel. It´s so true--I promise that if you read the scriptures everyday, pray sincerely, and keep the commandments, you will feel the Spirit of Heavenly Father in your life strongly and be able to know for yourself the truthfulness of these things. The Book of Mormon is true, Jesus Christ lives, through prayer we can feel His love and we don´t need to go through this life alone!

LOVE YOU ALL sooo much. Miss you so much this week!

Hermana Bryan

Dallin: You were a Dad, huh??  Awesome!  What all did you have to do?  I love hearing from you.  What is your job in Panama??  Who is awesome in Panama? (when you're there).  I miss you like crazy!  Party Rock played the other day haha it reminded me of Logan and Cameron too--dance for me and do a flash mob in Panama--you know Dad wants to show off his crazy moves.  LOVE YOU bud.  The church is true--find a friend to share it with!
Logan: How you give me strength!  I love you so so much and miss you like crazy.  I wish we could do this together.  Hna Maldonado said she saw you?  How was that? How is she?  I´m so glad your week was better--I literally was praying all the time that the Lord would place tender mercies in your life and path.  He literally fulfills His promises to his missionaries.  In the Conference Ensign one of the apostles said that the sun never sets on righteous missionaries proclaiming the truthfulness of the Gospel.  I think of you when I read that quote and can see you fulfilling that and imagine you proclaiming this truth.  It just reminds me of you and gives me strength.  I´m so grateful for your example, Logan.  Isn´t it crazy some of the people we meet and the excuses or questions they have?  Haha it's weird for sure..I loved reading your good and weird experiences.  I love you so so much and miss you like crazy.  Time warp to 2 years?! :) just kidding.  Know I pray for you every single day and miss you! 
Mom and Dad: I love you so so much.  How I wish you were here or I could hug you.  Translating, Dad??!  How will that work?  You will be so awesome.  Mom, I hope you figured out the clinic--you will be great and Ellen knows all I know so she will be of help if you need it!  The story about Kelsie is so neat, I´m so glad you shared that and all of your other advice and quotes and stories.  I miss you both so much and am so grateful for your prayers and support!  Tell Papa and Odie I got their Dear Elder and sent them a handwritten letter 2 weeks ago so hopefully they get it soon.  I sent Dallin a letter, the recorder--make sure to let me know if you get it, and other letters for you to send to people that I don´t have their addresses....haha thank you.  I love you so much and am excited for you in Panama!  You are doing the work of the Lord and what Christ would be doing too if He were here. Thank you!  Tell everyone Hi from me and I love them.  Thank you for your teachings and I have realized every day more and more how blessed I am not only to live in the U.S. but to live in your home and be your daughter.  How grateful I am for parents who live the Gospel and teach the righteous principles of the Gospel.  I am so so eternally grateful for you both.  I love you!  Can´t wait until we are reunited.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Segunda Semana!

Hola familia y queridos amigos!!! I LOVE YOU all so much! Thank you so much for your emails. Keep them coming--They make my day so much!
Oh I had some questions about packages so if you do send one, make sure to send the smaller ones with the green sticker. If not, it will take 3 months to get here hahah! But emails are just wonderful, really because I can read them right away :) Thank you!

To answer your questions, Mom: my comp is great--we are getting along really well and I wasn't sure how things would be at first because she's a little more uptight and serious but she lets loose and she has metnioned that we have a great relationship and I´m really grateful for her and the things she teaches me. She´s no Jess or you guys but it's hard to beat best friends and family :) She´s awesome though!

I get the internet at an internet cafe right across the street from our apartment. We drop our clothes off at the laundromat--except our G´s haha. We dont have a mamita, we clean our own apt every week and each day a different member feeds us lunch. The typical lunch here starts out with a bowl of soup. Then the plate has rice, meat, and some form of ´salad´ which means marinated onions or tomatoes or potatoes usually. I haven't had any stomach problems really other than the day or two we felt kinda sick. It's really hard for me because they don't have veggies here! I bought a salad and then made some green beans the other day but it's fine haha. We buy huge water jugs--most homes buy those to have clean water which is awesome they recognize the need for that! I also have used the steri pen for extra water and the filtered bottle the MTC gave me so thank you for it all! I fill up my camelbak everyday and people are amazed by it here!

Your facebook status you shared made me cry, Mom. Thank you so much--I learn so much from you guys! I´m so so grateful for you and your examples. Youth Conference! Let me know how it goes!

So last Pday my comp made me Arepas for my bday and they were basically like Pupusas but then we went to the beach! It is so my happy place haha and even though I couldn´t get in or we didn't take our shoes off, I love the beach and it reminded me of Costa Rica a lot and the other beaches we go to so I thought of all of my best friends and beloved family :)

Oh, the place we went to for lunch served bowls of popcorn for an appetizer! I was so happy and thought of Mom the entire time and how much she would love that haha!

We contacted Monday evening two streets I had felt we should go down and we had a nice lesson with a family of Catholics but who are receptive. Then my comp felt we should talk to a lady, Estrella, who was sitting outside on her porch. She has so much faith in Christ and gratitude for him and loves her family so much. The next lesson we had with her, she said that after we had left that first time, she immediately read the whole Restoration pamphlet and prayed. She said she felt SO much peace and she believes in the Book of Mormon and in Joseph Smith. My comp was so surprised at how easy it was for her to accept this all or just KNOW this is true. We haven´t been able to see her since and we are extending a date to her so pray for Estrella :) She was a tender mercy.

Tuesday was District meeting which was good. I felt super headache-y and nautious most of the day so was not myself but pushed through! We had a lesson with a woman with 5 darling kids and I could see and actually feel her pain for her 14 yr old son not doing the right things. We then had a lesson with Kathy--the neighbor of Laura and she wants to change her home life and the lives of her kids. She wants to learn more and accepted baptism for when she got a response but she´s not married. Gosh that problem here is HUGE! People are so receptive and ready and then they aren´t married and each time, their spouse doesn't want to be married.

Rocio--the lady with the store--accepted a baptismal date but we have to move it back because she hasn´t been there each time, she didn't attend church, and she's so cute and receptive but needs to develop a testimony haha. I love these people. Afterwards, there were tons of kids playing in the street and they started smiling when they saw us so I said Hi to each one and ran up and shook their hands and joked around with them. Hna Angulo jokes about kids loving to greet the gringa but I just love kids! We went inside and shared a message with their family who had actually received missionaries 4 years ago. I helped the 9 year old learn some English and it was so great to be there and to watch the 5 year old boy fold his arms and close his eyes for prayer. How kids light up my life!

Wednesday I had a really rough morning. We did a teaching practice and I just got stumped and frustrated and sad. I wrote in my journal that this is out of my comfort zone much of the time to persuade and convince people of the truthfulness of this Gospel, to not accept when they don't follow through and show them how important this truly is. Although it impacts their lives, a loving and simple testimony sometimes isn't enough. Yes it brings the spirit but doesn't make them follow through with their compromises. The people here are so receptive to talking about God because that's their culture! It's wonderful! However, that makes it harder sometimes because they don't see a need for complete conversion or change--for going to church, consistently reading and praying. It´s hard to say what's better in quantity or quality sometiems especially in missionary work and I get frustrated because I so want these people to recognize how important this is and have that action and dedication. I´m hard on myself today on how I can teach better or that I can't find the words to express myself in Spanish. I just need to teach more boldly but still with love and continue working. I know the Lord provides and the Spirit testifies. I could hear my family's voices telling me not to get down on myself and not to give up on others! I´m so grateful I have a companion in this work and I´m reminded of how much I have to learn and humbled by how far I have to go but that's part of why I´m here! To learn, grow, work, and rely wholly on the Lord through faith-trust to make up the rest.

We cried a bit and my comp taught me and I was so grateful. We randomly decided to visit Sonia and that was a tender mercy. Her husband had passed away the day before and she needed comfort and peace. We came back the next day and she came to Stake Conference on Sunday and has a baptismal date.

Today we saw a miracle in the Arrobla home--home of Lucy. Daniela--a 15 yr old member accompanied us this day and we taught a wonderful lesson to Lucy about baptism and faith and acting on our faith even when we don't know or understand everything. Daniela promised her her family would change and bore testimony from personal experience and the Spirit was so so strong. That helped Lucy so much and she accepted a baptismal date! We are moving it back to Sept 3 cuz she didn't come to Stake Conference but each time we go over, something's changed in Lucy and in the Arrobla family. It's a small change but it's a light and tender mercy from the blessings of the Gospel. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true! The Book of Mormon has answers to ANY question or problem we have and we literally have a prophet called of God on the face of the earth today.

Also this day we visited Aaron--he is 13 and had major doubts about God answering his prayers because his parents didn't stop fighting. He was bawling and I wanted so badly to hug him. I cried bearing my testimony of God´s love and we just have been praying he will feel that too. It hurt me to see his pain and I wanted to take it away! How grateful I am for the Atonement.

Well Thursday we came home because we were sick

Friday we had an incredible lesson about prophets with Lucy and her mom and the neighbors and they could feel Pres Monson´s authority and power and I could bear testimony of him and I felt so much love for our dear prophet!

Saturday I studied all day and read the Liahona and scriptures and recorded like 6 times on your recorder because my comp was home sick. I was down at first that I couldn´t go out and work but how I LOVED immersing myself in the words of the prophets and the word of the Lord. I felt His love and was so grateful for that personal study. I also made salsa which reminded me of home :)

Sunday was Stake Conference and we saw a tender mercy today in finding Walter, a man they had taught once. I was so down afterwards because I felt I had missed an opportunity to share what I thought I should share. I felt like Logan did in his lesson once (coincidently it was Alma 26 I felt I should share). I was so frustrated and mad at myself. My comp stopped me and taught me on the side of the road and we cried and she testified that the Lord provides other opportunities. I can´t doubt and though I have doubts in myself everyday, I am a missionary and thus entitled to the Spirit and though I don´t always understand lessons or know if my thoughts or scritpres will apply, I need to act on those because the Spirit guides and the Lord provides and loves his children. I´m grateful for her and our relationship.

Pray for Laura and Lucy--we are working hard and definitely don´t understand the plan or timing of the Lord but this is His work. The Church is true. Our prayers never go unanswered and though they might be in different manners or timings than expected, He extends mercy and love to all and we can feel of that!

I LOVE YOU!!     D&C 98:1-3

Dallin: I loved getting your email!  What did you do at the Stuco retreat?  Were you in charge of anything? Your friends sound awesome and that doesn't surprise me because you are very mature for your age and such a good example.  Stay that way--be wise and always stand for what you know to be true.  You are such an example to me!  Thank you for your heart of gold and dedication to the Gospel.  I miss you so much!  I miss your humor and when I´m down, think of you and hope you dance and sing and crack jokes all the time!

Logan: I cried when I read your email and your part to me.  I have missed you SO much too--even though we didn't talk much each time, the MTC brought us so much closer than what we already were and I have missed that comfort and love daily as well.  I hope you can feel my love and prayers for you every day.  It´s true that on missions, we feel sick to know we still have so much time without seeing our beloved family and friends.  However, just get through each day.  Give each day your best and before long, Wyoming will become a part of home in your heart.  How different experiences we are having yet the same too.  We have the same feelings--this work is hard, and being away is the hardest, and boy does Satan try to get us down each day, huh?!  Yet you are incredible, Logan.  Each time I´m down, I think of our family and friends praying for us, and supporting us.  However, I also think of YOU---walking and biking each day preaching the Gospel and bearing your powerful testimony of what you know and live in your life.  You inspire me so much and are an example of everything people should strive to be.  I can't think of a more worthy, able missionary and I hope you know how much you bless my life.  That image of you spreading the Gospel gives me strength to go forward and try to do the same.  I love you SO much, Logan and cannot WAIT to be reunited.  I love hearing your experiences, good and bad.  I´m praying for you.

Monday, August 8, 2011

First Week in Ecuador!

THANK YOU EVERYONE for the amazing birthday wishes! I laughed so much and smiled and even teared up--you don´t know how much it means to have so much support and love from you all. Thank you so so so much!
Also--you can email me! They never said anything about that. I just can´t email back :(   I am way sad about that especially because mail takes 2 weeks each way but hey it could be worse and be like a month!  So I will hand write I promise and please please keep emailing me because it gets me through some hard times and I love you all! The mission address is on my fbook for packages but the pouch mail is what you use for regular mail!

Ok--WARNING--this is going to be LONG. REALLY LONG. I have so much to say and talk about haha so sorry for everyone who reads this!! I will cut it down next time when all this is normal haha.

Alrighty, so saying goodbye to the people at the MTC was so sad! It was like saying goodbye to second family because we had all gone through the exact same emotions--that's what I love about all of us being together. My comp and I stayed up way too late just talking in bed even though I had to get up at 4 am the next morning! How I ended up loving that place, the Spirit, its environment, and the people! It was incredible to talk to you, family on Tuesday. I´m eternally grateful I didn´t wait until Miami to call as we found out I had like 3 minutes. I´m gunna tell the last week like it was :)

So I got to Guayaquil and somehow knew that my luggage wasn´t going to get there. Yup--they lost all my luggage. So the two office elders that met me at the airport took me back to the temple dorms. The assistants met me there and had some food waiting leftover from the earlier dinner with our Mission Pres but since I got there so late I went up to bed. One of the sisters inside gave me some pajamas and shampoo--bless her heart. The pillows here are like the fatness of 5 pillows put together haha. I didn´t sleep hardly at all due to the humidity and how sad and frustrated I was feeling about my luggage and missing home and the language, etc. First night was kinda rough.

The next day we had orientation and trainings all day going over rules (turns out my mission is one of the strictest for a lot of stuff my comp and I were talking about!) I left with the secretary to go get my bags from the airport to find out they would get there that night hopefully and didn´t have them that morning. Haha that was the cherry on top. My interview with President Amaya during training was good but very short. He taught me some great things though from Preach My Gospel and taught about that when I work hard, I will have the Spirit, which in turn will make me happy. He and his wife are really sharp. Not super loving or parent like but have good things to teach us. I kept falling asleep all day which didn´t help but I felt probably the most depressed I´ve felt in my life for a long long time that second day. The thought of not seeing family and my loved ones for over a year made me want to die inside!

*I am a firm believer that people would be fully dedicated, focused, happy, productive, etc. if missionary work were as families! Let´s do that--I´ll write Pres. Monson, k? :) think about it--I dont see any downsides haha* I think about Logan every single day and wonder about his experiences--I can´t wait to hear from you Logee!

So continuation: on the way to the 6 pm temple session I was just so weighed down like I said that I was just so glad to be going. Good thing I have been many times to the temple to know what was being said and going on because everything was spoken so fast haha! I love the temple SO SO much. It is absolutely incredible how much more peace and a much better attitude I had immediately after. It´s amazing. Afterwards, we chatted with all the new missionaries and it was so great to get to know people better, sing American songs they knew and speak English with the only other gringo newbie (Elder Barker is from Kaysville). Poor guy--he is so lost and overwhelmed but so happy and taught me a lot tonight about good attitudes. Also, they didn't feed us dinner hahaha its been kinda disorganized at the beginning. So that second day was wow rough but also great at the end and just a confirmation of the temple and how much we need to go!

We woke up the next morning and because they didn't know plans, we ended up going to another session. I really think that was a tender mercy from Heavenly Father--I could literally feel the extra strength and peace these temple sessions gave me in my life to be able to handle what I was feeling and feel the love and peace of my Heavenly Father. We then had a training meeting and when a sister asked a question, for some reason I knew she was going to be my trainer. Her name is Hermana Angulo and she is from Columbia! We are proselyting in an area called Manta, 4 hours on bus from Guayaquil. It is a beach, coastal town and I think it is the perfect area for me to be. Heavenly Father knows the beach is my happy place :) Also, the wonderful air cools it down a lot and we don't sweat as much as we would if we were in Guayaquil. Blessings! On the bus ride to Manta, we talked the whole time and I was just so excited! I know I was being blessed by the Lord and the blessings of the temple to feel that way. Everything here reminds me of living in El Salvador! I'm really really glad I did that to prepare myself for actually living in another culture--not just visiting. Also, Ecuador is more well off than Central America from what I can observe. It's still humble of course but that's what I've observed!

We live in a nice, open, house and the shower water isn´t ice cold--it feels pretty nice each morning so I'm very very lucky here! We live on the 5th floor so that was absolutely hilarious. Climbing the steep stairs with my two 50 pound suitcases and 2 carryons that probably weighed the same. Hahaha two girls in skirts doing that was a sight to see I'm sure! My comp doesn't really speak English. It's hard when I want to find words to express myself, but somehow I usually find a way or we look things up in the dictionary!

My first day en el campo was good! We had lunch with the Sambranos--the family of the ward mission leader and they are seriously awesome! They are hilarious, have such strong testimonies and I loved it. My first meal was....fish!! It's a coastal town after all :) It was actually good! People serve SO much food here and I can't finish it ever haha. Hopefully they can feel my love as I turn down more food. We then visited Jennifer--she is a recent convert and is 17 years old. What a faithful, darling young girl! We visited other investigators and converts. Everyone LOVED the hermana that I am replacing so it´s hard for them but hopefully can see and feel my love for them. I like this place and I like walking-talking with my comp. We had fun and after an excessive amounts of calls from people on the side of the street in English acknowledging a gringa, I started saying Lo Siento! No hablo ingles! She thought that was hilarious. We say sooo many prayers during the day and I know we need it!

Second day, we had a very busy and productive day. We knocked doors in an area that hadn´t been visited in almost 4 months. We shared a lesson with a wonderfully musical and talented family we found at home--the son has 3 guitars and played some Linkin Park haha. But I have missed listening to guitar :) They are awesome and I´m excited for our next lesson. While my comp was using the public phone outside a store, she encouraged me to contact the lady running the store right inside (inside meaning the bars that = the door here so I wasn't away from my comp dont worry!) I just began to chat with her and she told me how badly she wants to visit the USA. I told her about some places there and laughed with her and she asked why I was here. I told her we were missionaries and what church and she jumped up super excited and asked if we had time to come inside. DUH we have time!! We had time to chat, talk about God, giver her a pamphlet and then she said the prayer and mentioned how we illuminated her day and was grateful. The rest of the prayer was beautiful and she is so humble. We have a follow up appt tomorrow! We visited Laura, an investigator and she accepted a baptismal date!! She was so excited. She had her friend there too in the lesson and we have an appt with her tomorrow as well. Her hubby is from New York and we spoke a bit of English. It´s funny how enthralled people can be with just a normal girl because I have white skin and blonde hair. I actually think the Lord needed a gringa here to maybe get some people to pay attention to what we represent as weird as that may sound. This night we visited Jennifer´s family and her sister is investigating. The whole family participated though and I felt much more close to them like they could feel my love. However, we had a bit of a more dark, scary lesson with them and their friend who was there. I won't go into details and it wasn´t crazy at all but we tried to teach them truths and answer their qestions, calm their fears but we left feeling weighed down, a bit scared and more dark. Dad told me I would encounter many people that had scary and dark experiences because of the commonality of such experience in Latin American and that is so true. How grateful I was for prayer and a safe home to go to.

My comp is awesome and teaches superbly and I think we are a good pair because sometimes she has a hard time just chatting with people and wants to only teach them. She said she has struggled to show love and feel it sometimes and she is very very preoccupied with obedience so that's awesome. I think I will be good for her and I really think she is good for me. We are different but we have fun and get along and I´m learning lots too :)

I'm very in awe of the reception and normality and acceptance of singing hymns and everything wityh us and random people we contact and share lessons with! It's so awesome here--that would never happen in the states! People believe in God and LOVE talking about spiritual things. They are so accepting of religion. Our major problems are having them let go of family traditions (if they are Catholic just cuz their family is), seeing a reason for organized religion, having them actually follow through and show conversion--no one came to church that promised they would but we have faith and will work hard and poco a poco!

I woke up a bit sad on Sunday as it was my bday and Sundays are always harder but how wrong I was. As soon as the Sambrano family entered--they gave me extra hugs and kisses and made a big deal about wishing me happy birthday (they had remembered from a brief mention a few days back!) So then everyone else waiting for church to start wished me happy birthday and told each other it was my bday--I love the Latins! Testimony meeting was great. The little Sambrano boy touched my heart so much and I started crying. He has such a sweet spirit and is always smiling. We had a wonderful lesson later with our next door neighbors and they were very receptive--it was lovely. I hope things continue! We had lunch with the Salazar couple-.-he is 23 and she is 27 and they are super powerful and awesome! They fed us a great lunch and pulled out cake they had rushed to buy after finding out it was my bday hahaha oops. They lit a huge candle and it was way fun to be with them. We then had a member in her typical clothes (SO cool) come with us to lessons. We had a great lesson with Lucy (Jennifers sister) and her friend. Lucy is practially already Mormon ha! She just needs to feel that she knows and get an answer for herself instead of feeling confused but we testifed and I shared my feelings and she promised to pray about it specifically so we will see! We then visited the Delgado family--members with their recent convert brtother. After our message, they all of a sudden pulled out a cake that said Feliz Cumpleanos Bryan and had two 2 candles in the middle they had bought! I was so so so touched they did that without knowing me and only from hearing it at church. Also I made 2 families break the sabbath but because of their wonderful intentions it doesnt count, right? :)

We then had ward council with the Bishop who I think was very receptive to our advice and questions--we need to work hard with our ward for attendance and conversion but we can do it! He is a man who thinks the more time a missionary has in the field, the better they are. So I followed President Amaya's advice and told him I had less than a year in the field when he asked. He took it as I was super experienced....but President Amaya said to specifically say that for those people who think like that ha! We went to Laura's tonight and she already is facing major opposition after deciding to get baptized with her boyfriend and 4 year old son. She still wants to get baptized--I just hope she can pray for the strength to resolve the rest of her life and feel the love and strength of the Lord during this hard time. The adversary doesn't want us to make good decisions in our lives and we have over and over again shared Joseph Smith's experience with the adversary right before the First Vision because right before an incredible experience from God, the adversary comes and tries to stop it. Anyway, there is work to be done, people to find, and love to be shared to help the work of the Lord progress and keep moving forward.

It still is hard for me that I won't see anyone for 16.5 months but I´m learning a lot and I´m trying to be what I need to be. Missionary work is awesome--I just hope I can be guided by the Spirit in my teaching and litle by little I´m learning! Also, I feel very blessed in communicating in Spanish. There are some times I struggle and I definitely struggle to understand everything--people speak soo fast and some eat their words and it's cool cuz they really do speak sing-songy Spanish but I like speaking and learning :) I´m so excited for the day I don't have to think about it and so excited for the day I will be able to experience the fruits of our labors. This church is so true. I get emotional when I bear testimony to pèople about the first vision and about the Book of Mormon. I truly can feel God´s love and peace. I wouldn´t be able to do this without all of you. I LOVE YOU!!! Email me I cant wait to hear from you :)

Hermana Bryan