Birthday Cake! |
Well this week has probably been one of the fullest weeks of my life, one of the best ones and one of the ones most full of emotions! HOW grateful I am to my Father in Heaven for being in this ward. I've never felt this way about any other ward and any other people--it's incredible the feelings of just LOVE and gratitude and family I feel here!
GOOD NEWS= we don't have changes!!!!! We were SO nervous and were sure that I would be gone---everyone was crying and saying goodbye to me and wishing I didn't have to go but I screamed for joy last night when we found out we were staying. At least for now! And I'm SO grateful :)
Monday was awesome because we went to lunch with Hna Johansen and her comp! How I love her :) yet I also realized how much I love my current comp and it's crazy because I NEVER thought I would get to this point with her! What a blessing :)
We also had a great lesson with Stefania (a sister of 3 recent converts who hasn't wanted anything to do with the church but was touched by a lesson Sergio gave one time and wants to change and hear the lessons now---tender mercy for sure).
Tuesday = my 23rd birthday!
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Presents, and More Presents!!! |
I woke up to a text message from Kevin that completely touched and made my day. What a thoughtful person--his whole family is like that--I love them so much! Then we had a very long Zone meeting but it was so great at the end listening to Elder Falk give his beast and bold last lesson and final testimony to the zone. He leaves today (Monday August 13) and will be home tomorrow! What a blessing it has been to have him as my leader these last 3-4 months. I made this candy poster thing for him and he just thanked and thanked me and handed me a letter he had written. Turns out Sister Orantes had bought me a cake and made me a "remember when" book thing with pics, etc as a present and the zone sang me happy birthday. It was way nice. Well we came home and then went to lunch.
We went to eat at the house of the fam Noriega--they are awesome--part of our fam here and then the Valarezo sisters (Kevin's aunts) showed up and Kevin and they had prepared this awesome lunch and cake and candles and presents all for me. I was SO beyond touched at what they did and spending time with the people I love so much and feeling their love. Wow.
Then we had a good lesson with Steven and Andres about the Restoration and Steven completely believes this and feels it and wants to be baptized, but not yet. They come from hard hard lives and situations and don't understand things completely or want to give everything up, so we are working hard with that.
Then we went to the RS Pres, Deisy´s house and she had prepared cake, presents, and a mini fiesta with her family all for me, and Sergio showed up at the end and I was just in shock of overload of love and care and time and presents and just so so touched and shocked and surprised.
Then we went to Angela and Cristina and Allison's and they too had a present and cake and candles waiting for me and at one point I just said outloud without thinking, "Wow mucha fiesta!" and Kevin just laughed and said, "Let us do it! It's only once and you deserve so much more than this." Wow not true---I came home loaded with gifts and hugs and love and care and attention and time and just was DUMBFOUNDED. I didn't feel like I deserved any of that but was SO grateful for how much I love them and how the Lord has blessed me to be here and form relationships that have eternally changed me! Also at the end of the day, I was dying to just testify and share the gospel---I couldn't handle it any longer--NOT testifying haha, so I made Angela and them agree to have a lesson with them. How much I will miss testifying and living for sharing the Gospel! It's what makes me happy.
Anyway, I was beyond overwhelmed and utterly grateful and shocked by the love and time of the members here. I've never had a birthday quite like that---it was one of the best I've had, and one I sure will never ever forget!
Wednesday we had a good day with lessons, etc.
Thursday morning I was pretty down on myself for weakenesses, human follies and temptations, etc etc and felt the need to really repent, and Hna Alvarez was so cute because she saw me in our room reading something and praying and she was worried and said she felt so weird not having me by her side during language study and she had never felt such worry or love or attachment to any other friend before in her life---not even her family really, and she feels that for me. I love her! Well we talked about what I was feeling and I shared with her and shared my confidence in repentance and forgiveness, etc and then TENDER MERCY because I was still sad or down and all of a sudden the song "In the Meantime" came on and Dad, those words you typed up a few weeks ago and shared with me---this song was the answer to my prayers. Thank you---I felt like Heavenly Father was telling me this directly, and felt something SO special in all of my body and soul when I listened to the words and KNOW the gift of repentance and forgiveness is real and know the mercy of the Lord. He loves us and knows our potential and helps us reach that sometimes without us even realizing it!
Friday we had a good lesson with Andres and Steven--it was a bit of a fight with the Spirit to try and see how we can help them and touch their lives and help them realize the blessings that come from accepting and accepting NOW. Pray for them! Then went to eat lunch at Kevin's house and we got there and his aunt, Janett who we LOVE opened the door and covered my eyes and said I couldn't look---I didn't think anything cuz she's crazy and crazy fun like that, so just I laughed and accepted until we got inside and I heard the music HAPPY BIRTHDAY and opened my eyes and it was all decorated with Happy Birthday and they put a part hat on me, etc. Kevin's mom said she had wanted to come on my birthday but couldn't and they all wanted to do something special for me and made a delicious lunch and more presents. I was again utterly shocked and again overwhelmed by the love and thoughts of these people I LOVE. Holy Moly.
Then we went and visited Jonathan our convert and his mom. His stepdad and stepsister left them the other day and took lots of things and Jonathan's mom is caught in a really really rough situation. We entered and it was amazing the LIGHT we felt and the change and Spirit that came into their house. I know the Lord gives trials at times to help people prepare to hear the Gospel and accept it. We are working with his mom now!
Also--blessing was to go to a couple who came to the baptism last week who supposedly didn't want to listen before but now they do! The Lord always prepares the timing.
Saturday Kevin received his endowments and we were totally wanting to accompany him and asked Pres and the worst part is that Pres was going to let us cuz he liked the idea but the area has changed rules that no missionaries can go to the temple now! What?! Well anyway, haha, we had to do with hearing all about his experience after. His testimony for sure changed and had a fire about it the whole day as he accompanied us. What a blessing the temple is!!! While he was there, we visited his family and shared about hope and what hopes they have and what they are going to do to reach those, and they shared with us their hopes and goals and those all included re-activation, etc!! I KNOW they will return--they are doing it slowly yet surely! How I love them.
We had a wonderful lesson with a less active lady who doesn't know what she believes anymore and just felt so deeply Heavenly Father's love for her, and when she told us she lost a son yet didn't believe in life after death, the blessing that comes from testifying with all we have that she will see her son again. This church is true! The Plan of Salvation is true! What a blessing to share that with others and to know and love these truths.
Sunday we were all melancholy because we literally felt that there would be transfers. Church was incredible! I received SO many tender mercies of the Lord I don't even know what to do with them anymore sometimes, it's so overwhelming. How I love my Heavenly Father. I entered church only to find Karen Cruz from Tarqui waiting for me with this gorgeous drawing of the SLC temple and her wanting to say goodbye because she goes on her mish to Peru in a month! Then the Spirit was SO strong in the Gospel Principles class as we talked about sacrifices and analyzed the blessings we receive from sacrificing. We had 8 investigators and Karina and Eduardo came (the couple), Steven and Andres, Stefania, etc. We were so happy seeing them all there!!! Then in Relief Society I was busy writing and signing photos to give to people if I had transfers and the Valarezos were teary looking at them when the teacher asked Hna Alvarez and I to stand up and she introduced us as their representatives of Jesus Christ and full time missionaries. She asked us to share our testimonies and I went last. As I bore testimony, I felt the love and fire of this work and Gospel and expressed my love to them all as well, and Deisy, the Valarezo sisters, etc were all just crying. As I testified of miracles and eternal families and missionary work, Mayra kept looking at me and just smiling knowingly. WHAT MIRACLES!!!!
Then I looked out the door as I sat down and saw Josue (my ward mission leader from Francisco de Orellana ward waiting for me) and he had also come to say goodbye with a letter etc because he goes on his mish to Peru in less than a month! I was dumbfounded at the love and timing of all this and because of all that was SURE I was getting transferred hahahaha.
We had a way strong lesson with the Bishop at lunch and finally feel his approval and service and love :)
We had a tough lesson with Steven and Andres---we'll see what happens there.
Miracle--Stefania told us in our lesson with her yesterday that she was going to tell us to not come by, but after the sacrifice lesson, said no I need to hear them today. She said she had been thinking about the date I extended to her the last time for the 25th and was very honest with us with what was holding her back and I bore testimony about what she had felt during the sacrifice lesson was no coincidence but God letting her know He will bless her for sacrificing. We taught a short but powerful lesson and when I asked her if she would be baptized the 25th, without thinking she accepted! WHAT?!!! She was hard hearted before. The Lord does miracles here and prepares the hearts of people for the exact timing. What a blessing!!!
Then we had a great FHE with Karina and Eduardo and Deisy and other members about eternal marriage, and Mayra and Douglas were there and just SHINING. They are SO happy and progressing and just excited. They go to the temple on Sat to do baptisms! Everyone was telling us not to leave and asked us to call them if we had changes, etc etc and Kevin was SO sad as he walked away from accompanying us not knowing if it was the last time. Waiting for that call was the longest 2 hours of my life haha but we screamed for JOY and just hugged each other like crazy as we found out the Lord's will for now is to keep us here.
I KNOW more miracles are in store. How blessed I feel to be here and to be a missionary. I LOVE this work with ALL I have. Something that comforted my heart and soul this week was something I read in my patriarchal blessing that I have the responsibility of being a missionary throughout my life and the eternities and I got SO happy as I thought--wait it's not just here in the mish! It's ok! I will be able to keep doing this FOREVER!!! What JOY!!! :) I want to do this forever and am determined to do so. This gospel brings joy. Love like the Savior does, serve like He did, be what He knows we can be, and share this good news and joy with others. I love this Gospel and love you all. Thank you for your prayers, emails, love, thoughts, etc. I love you all!!
I feel like D&C 111:11---the Lord at times pours blessings out upon us depending on how fast or much we can receive them!
D&C 112:14---counsel from the Savior to us: 1) arise--get up and be willing to go and do! 2) gird up your loins---preparation 3) take up your cross--pass through difficulties and trials and sacrifice 4) follow me--do and BE what Christ did and is 5) feed my sheep---always serve others and share the gospel.
Love it!
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