Hi!!! So I didn't think I was going to be able to email today but after questioning many people because others could email, the district president on call said we should email our family! I'm so glad---it was going to kill me to wait almost another week!
Thank you SO much for your letters--they helped so much and I loved reading them. It was so great to hear your voices on the phone as well and I really really needed it that day so I was grateful--what a tender mercy. So, I left my notebook in my room with everything I was going to write you in this email. Fail. I didn't think I was going to get to email! So prepare yourself for a more detailed email on Thursday :) and I need to start recording things on our digital recorder to send back to you haha oops.
So I'm starting to love the MTC--it's fun and the things we are learning here are SO great. I LOVE my companion and the other hermana companionship and our district is AWESOME. I can't describe how awesome they are! It's just 8 of us (4 elders and 4 hermanas) so it's nice and we are getting close to each other. We have so much fun because everyone is so good-natured and has a great sense of humor. Maybe too much fun at times but hey :) haha. I do feel at times like we are trapped and the only time we really feel "free" is on the field at gym hahaha! It's just hard being treated like children sometimes at summer camp but I know that this place accomplishes miracles too and I'm grateful for the whole program.
Our teachers are awesome--especially Hermano Andersen. He is such a powerful teacher--super good natured and just is a really sharp guy. He's 25, married, and served in Guatemala a few years back. Our other teacher, Hermana Hunter is good too. She isn't always super impressive but I love how real she is and she described some real feelings and experiences that related to us. She also has let us practice a lot which helps a TON! Even though the practice scenarios are hard, I love them. A lot. Today, Hermano Andersen gave us many different scenarios we had to practice with investigators saying no to a baptismal invitation for various reasons, etc. It was awesome to practice when I was the missionary--it's so hard to sum up what you learn. I feel like I've been here forever at times because of how much you learn and everything you do! Also, because the days are so long adn we're so exhausted haha.
I've promptly been reminded of how far I have to go in the Spanish language. When I'm teaching a practice lesson or part of a lesson to my companion or an elder, etc. I have SO many things I want to say and express but lack the words to do so! However, as my companion said: poco a poco! I am very glad I'm in the advanced program--I don't feel lost at all so I know it's where I need to be and at my level but I am working on speaking and learning new words and asking mis companeras how to say different things if I don't know. I am excited for the day where I can totally feel comfortable saying everything my heart desires! But I do feel blessed to have a head start and to be at this level because I know it will help that day come sooner. Well, hopefully! When it comes down to it, it's not about what we say or how much we know and can relate to investigators. It's all according to the Spirit and if we follow that and truly try to get to know the investigators, their concerns, and let them know how we feel about them, the Lord and the Holy Ghost take care of the rest.
Today at lunch Logan told me about such a neat experience he had with his companion teaching a 30 minute lesson they were agonizing over. Their teacher seems a bit ruthless but it will prepare them and they have most definitely learned to rely wholly on the Spirit and let it guide the lesson accordingly. How much I learn from my dear brother :) We have been able to eat lunch together every day! It strengthens me actually and I feel so blessed to have him here. The other two hermanas in our room and district are going to Denver North as well so it's been fun for them to know another elder companionship going there.
Yes, we have seen the Boyds! I see Michael like everywhere haha. Jason's always hilarious to see--I love it! Also, we've seen Tierre tons and Pato, Lluvia's son a few times. Logan's seen some people he knew from BYU and from Vegas and I've seen a few girls from my program at BYU. Wow if I write this much about nothing I apologize in advance for my future emails!! I will give you more details later but I just am glad I can email you today.
Please tell people that they can email me! I didn't know that! I think I can only write mail back but it would be SO great to get emails from people and will actually be easier to receive mail that way in Ecuador probably. My email is: kenna.bryan@myldsmail.net
I feel like I didn't say anything but just know that I'm exhausted, I miss everyone SO much and miss being able to communicate but that I am so happy somewhere inside I know because I can tell when I speak to people. Not sure if that makes sense but it's kind of like what you said in your DearElder letters that even though I was down that day, somehow it actually came across as being good and happy! That's so true.
Lastly, thank you also so much for telling me about the specific prayers being said for me. It wasn't a coincidence I think that you mentioned this! Every single night and morning and other times when I need it, I have prayed to be able to feel the love, strength, and power from the many prayers and thoughts given for me. The thought to pray for the specific people I knew were praying for me and to be able to feel their love, thoughts, and prayers popped in my head the first night when I felt I needed extra help. It is incredible the feeling of peace, love, and strength that comes to me immediately after. I am so grateful for everyone doing so and want to let you know I am praying for everyone specifically and thinking of you. I don't think my prayers have been this long my whole life haha!
Anyway, I love you all SO much. I can't believe I've only been here 3 days but I'm sure the time will start flying. I can't wait to be able to communicate again soon--this part is kinda killing me not to be able to share everything because it's so hard to sum up.
Love you!! Cuidense mucho
-Hermana Bryan
ps: look up the words to they song "We'll Bring the World His Truth". We sung this our first night as new missionaries at the fireside and never before have those words struck me so powerfully. Also, a musical number entitled "Send Me" was sung and that's exactly how I was feeling--it was incredible so if you can find it--it's awesome! And the words are wonderful.
Joshua 1:9

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