Douglas, Mayra, and Bryan's Baptism! Sergio, Kevin, and Bishop (the men who performed the baptisms) |
Hola Familia!!!
First off, thanks to the friends who sent me early birthday wishes---they were not expected and a happy surprise! Thanks--love you all.
Wow where to begin. This week has been CRAZYYY!!!!! But so crazy good haha and full of just miracles of the Lord!
So Monday night we went to visit Douglas and Mayra and had a whole lesson planned to share with them and to get them excited for their baptism and marriage, etc. Without expecting or planning it, they basically took over the lesson and shared their feelings for us (how much they will miss us when we leave, etc), the changes they've felt in their home and in their personal lives, etc. Mayra said I know that you guys didn't come in vain---there was a divine reason for your visits and the timing of it all and she has seen the changes in her home. Douglas expressed the changes he has seen in his personal life and said that all weekend he wanted to just cry (seeing his son Eduardo be baptized and receive the Spirit, being in a FHE that touched him, etc.) and he never cries! He said happily, "I think my heart has been softened!" Eduardo then looked up, tears streaming down his face and we went over to hug him and he just said he was sad even thinking about us leaving and how much he will miss us.
Killer for what I had been feeling just the day before, right?! haha, but such a miracle! I don't even know how this change and miracle happened but it did, and the Lord blessed them and us. Wow. What an amazing experience and feeling being in that lesson. They also expressed their love for Kevin and how much they have grown to love him and asked him to be a witness at their wedding haha!
Tuesday morning we taught the class in District Meeting about how to begin teaching and leaving commitments, and we related everything back to the Spirit. I had been reading Alma 18 and thought some verses interesting. Verse 12--Ammon was going to leave because he saw the king was troubled. Thank heavens he didn't! We can't just leave when we see people troubled or different, that's the purpose of inspired questions! Verses 14-15, Ammon asked the same question and got the same results--silence for a long time. Though Ammon without doubts had the Spirit with him, there is a huge difference in asking questions (though we may have the Spirit) and asking inspired questions (something the Spirit literally puts into our mouths). Verse 16-17, Ammon relied on the Spirit and looked heavenward for his question and then asked a beastly, amazingly inspired question. Verse 18- the king trusted now, and opened up completely, and later says he wants to hear the Gospel with boldness, etc.
We know how the story ends--great conversion of many many people.
What would have happened if Ammon would have just left and later come back?! What would have happened if he wouldn't have asked inspired questions?! The Spirit is SO key in everything we do!
Tuesday we had everything planned to help Mayra make empanadas to sell to the hermanas of the Relief Society to get money for their wedding. We were getting all that together when the RS president called us and said that Tues was when we had to set the date at the registro civil for the wedding, but that the original documents were needed of everybody. Man. Douglas was already at work and we had no way of getting his documents and the registro closed at 5. So we quickly made like a million phone calls, Kevin came way quickly with his documents, we called Mayra to try to find out where Douglas worked, we called his brother who roughly gave us an idea, we called our ZLs for permission to get these things done and leave our area, etc etc.
Douglas works about 30 minutes away or a little bit more in this island of gated communities as a construction worker. We got a taxi and Kevin, Hna Alvarez, and I started our adventure of looking for Douglas. We found the island and entered and then realized how many communities and how many different projects of construction there were going on, and that nobody knew everything or everyone or where individuals work. We went from community to community, guard to guard, construction worker to construction worker, pausing the taxi, getting out, asking, walking around, etc for 3 hours looking and asking for Douglas Vera. It was hilarious and the taxi driver--good thing he was a great sport and hilarious about it. I never imagined anything so crazy---every single person we saw or construction site or community, we stopped. Well we never found him, and the registro was closed and Wednesday was a holiday here in Guayaquil and we knew that we would have to wait until the day before the wedding to try and set the date and pray they would accept us.
We then went directly up the mountain to Mayra to help with the empanadas and we helped fry them and then the RS pres came in her car and we went for a few hours delivering empanadas and collecting money, etc. Poor Kevin passed through all this stress, business, emotion, etc with us! We got home BEAT---I don't think I've ever been so tired in the mission. Crazy day I will never forget haha.
Wednesday we had a lesson with Angela and her kids bceause we had felt strongly like we needed to go. Turns out others as well, because our ward mission leader with his assistants showed up halfway through as well haha!! Well we watched a video and then afterwards talked, but wow the Spirit told me so strongly that Angela felt really alone and sad and that she needed the strength of the temple and to know how much Heavenly Father loved her. I also felt strongly Kevin needed to share his testimony of being alone doing the work of the Lord but feeling His love and support in the meantime. The Spirit was so so strong, and I just felt so grateful after, as Angela cried telling us she had felt super lonely but felt the Lord's support as well and that our visits alone make her feel better and with more peace and light.
We then went to Douglas and Mayra and taught about the Priesthood and it was wonderful. Mayra really wants Douglas to guide their home and their family and Douglas recognized the responsibility and it was great. Wednesday we got all the documents together to give to the RS pres to try on Thursday to set the date.
Thursday the RS pres came and picked up the documents and said it would be a miracle if they accepted a wedding for the following day; that she would try, but if not they could do it the next week. We told her that Mayra and Douglas couldn't wait to receive the blessings and we have been praying like crazy and would be praying like crazy that a miracle happens. We also begged her to pass by Kevin's house for his documents too just in case he needed to present his as well. She drove off and I had a distinct impression that she was not going to pass by Kevin's house and get his documents and that it would be necessary and key. We ran back inside the house and called her and she said Kevin wasn't home and she was just going to try to set the date without it. We called Kevin and he was on his way home from the South and agreed to go to the registro civil to meet the RS pres there. It was crazy back and forth calls to get them in sync and Kevin to the registro--poor guy had to travel all over the place to get there on the spot, but they did it and thank heavens because turns out if he wouldn't have gone, nothing would have been able to be set!! Thank Heavens for the Spirit and promptings! The RS pres called me and said GOOD NEWS your prayers were answered--they have tomorrow but not in the afternoon! I started laughing with joy and told her it didn't matter when just to book it for Friday!! What a MIRACLE!!!! We were SO excited and grateful and felt so blessed by the Lord for hearing our prayers.
Also Thursday I had an amazing study and it was God's personal miracle and tender mercy in my life showing me in 3 different ways and materials exactly what He wanted me to study and learn that day. I love Hebrews 5:8--even Christ learned obedience by what He suffered! D&C 93:12-13-even Christ didn't just know all the mysteries of God right away. He received grace a little at a time and continued until He received all the Father has. Then while reading Jesus the Christ, pgs 111-112, 116, 119, 128, 135, I was astounded that it was talking exactly about the scriptures and insights I had read--that even Christ had to understand little by little His full potential. Even He didn't have the full vision of His potential or FULL purpose from the beginning. I get it now! We all learn our vision and potential through God's grace and others helping us little by little. How grateful I am!
Also felt distinct impressions of what I needed to do to be more obedient and focused and feel the Spirit more and have unity again in our companionship (we had struggled a few days before and I was confused as to why.) She had felt the same, and it was a miracle recognizing the Lord's plan--how He knows exactly what will happen and the decisions we will make and He has back up plans for everything and at the same time, teaches us in irreplaceable ways and perfects us!
Hna Alvarez said, "Somos tan imperfectas por esta obra tan perfecta." How true that is!! Yet what a miracle and blessing the Lord grants us to be His servants, and despite our weaknesses and imperfections, provides the way so that "no unhallowed hand can stop the work of the Lord from progressing!" Not even our imperfections will stop Him! :)
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Douglas and Mayra's Wedding!!! |
Friday also we went to Peter, Maria Fernanda, and Jose and they had prayed about Joseph Smith and Peter (the 10 year old and youngest, but so amazing) had a dream about Joseph Smith! What a blessing and incredible the feelings they described. Such special amazing kids.
Saturday I literally felt like Alma 29 in the morning!! So happy!!! Wanting to stay in the mission forever but why should I want more than what the Lord has blessed me with?!
It was a weird day with a few disappointments (Kenny, Jose not really knowing what he wants, etc.) BUT opposition is always great before BAPTISM!!!
They got baptized and it was so great because Mayra asked the Bishop to baptize her, Douglas asked Sergio, and Bryan asked Kevin. Eduardo was so happy to see his family join him and in a year I can't wait to be here for their sealing! :)
Our goal for July was 3 people to be baptized but the Lord helped us have 5 people baptized this month of July. Something that has never happened in my wildest dreams--FIVE--and to way overpass the goal was only accomplished by the Lord and His divine designs and purposes. We are nothing without Him! What a miracle.
Sunday while Mayra, Douglas, and Bryan were being confirmed, I felt the Spirit SO strongly and just began crying thinking about how much I love them, seeing their changes, and being a part of that is something I can't even describe. I felt the joy and Spirit and love for them and sadness at when I have to leave, but hope for being at their sealing in a year! They felt so wonderful and just felt changed and were just beaming all day! And it was Douglas birthday to top it all off--best birthday weekend ever! :)
Sunday we went to eat lunch at Kevin's house because his mom invited us and I had felt strongly about the message we had to share. We shared part of Mountains to Climb by Elder Eyring and the last part of Laborers in the Vineyard by Elder Holland. The parts we shared were perfect, testified of Christ's Atonement, God's love, trials, and returning to the church no matter how far we think we have traveled and doing it now! Kevin's mom was crying a lot and Gabby, his 18 yr old sister cried a bit, and Kevin's mom told us it was precise--exactly what she needed and that she knows they will see miracles in their family when Kevin goes on a mission. The Spirit was so strong in that lesson and I just felt SO much love for them and their family and the love God has for His children. I know they will come back, painful as it may be, they can do it and I keep praying for them.
We also had a great FHE with Angela and her family and Ruben (her husband was in town) with like half the ward that showed up! haha It was awesome how many people came and want to show their support!
Lunch with Kevin's Family |
Love you!!
Hermana Bryan
Happy Day! |
Douglas, Mayra, and Bryan's Baptism!!!! |